Here, we have uploaded the complete JAMB syllabus 2025 for all subjects, which you can download in PDF directly to your mobile phone or computer for free. It is the official 100% JAMB scheme of work/curriculum for the UTME CBT exam 2025/2026.
If you are getting ready for the 2025/2026 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) organized by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), you must get and study the JAMB syllabus for all subjects. The JAMB syllabus is a document that shows the topics, objectives, and suggested textbooks for each subject. It will help you concentrate on the areas JAMB will examine you on and avoid reading irrelevant materials.
JAMB Syllabus 2025
Are you preparing for the 2025/2026 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB)? If so, you must download and study the JAMB syllabus for all subjects. The JAMB syllabus is a guide that contains the topics, objectives, and recommended textbooks for each subject. It will help you focus on the areas JAMB will test you on and avoid wasting time on irrelevant materials.
Below is the complete JAMB syllabus 2025:
Why You Need the JAMB Syllabus
The JAMB syllabus is very important for the following reasons:
- It helps you to know the scope and depth of each subject.
- It helps you to plan your study time and schedule effectively.
- It helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in each subject.
- It helps you to revise and practice with past questions and answers.
- It helps you to score high marks and gain admission into your desired course and institution.
How to Prepare for JAMB 2025 CBT Examination
The JAMB 2025 CBT examination is a computer-based test assessing your knowledge and skills in four subjects. The CBT examination differs from the paper-based test in terms of format, duration, and mode of delivery. You must prepare well for the CBT examination to avoid surprises or difficulties on the exam day. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the JAMB 2025 CBT examination:
- Familiarize yourself with the CBT format. You need to know how the CBT examination works, what to expect, and how to navigate the computer interface. You can visit the JAMB website or any accredited CBT center for more information and practice with the CBT software. You can also download the JAMB CBT app on your smartphone or tablet to practice offline.
- Study with the JAMB syllabus and past questions. You need to study with the JAMB syllabus for all subjects and use it as a guide to what JAMB will test you on. You also need to practice with past questions and answers from previous years. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions, the level of difficulty, and the marking scheme. You can get past questions and answers from various sources such as bookshops, online platforms, tutorial centers, etc.
- Join a study group or a tutorial class. You must join a study group or a tutorial class to interact with other candidates and tutors preparing for the same exam. This will help you to share ideas, clarify doubts, solve problems, and learn from others. You can also get feedback, tips, and advice from experienced tutors who can guide you on improving your performance.
- Manage your time and speed. You need to manage your time and speed well during the CBT examination. You will have only two hours to answer 180 questions in four subjects, which means you have an average of 40 seconds per question. You must answer the questions quickly and accurately and avoid spending too much time on one question or section. You must also review your answers before submitting them and ensure you have answered all the questions.
- Stay calm and confident. You need to stay calm and confident during the CBT examination. You must avoid panic, anxiety, or stress affecting your concentration and performance. You also need to believe in yourself and your abilities. You must remember that you have prepared well and can do it.
If you follow these tips consistently and diligently, you will be able to prepare well for the JAMB 2025 CBT examination.
How to score 400 in JAMB 2025
Scoring 400 in JAMB 2025 is not impossible, but it requires a lot of dedication, preparation, and smart strategies. Here are some tips on how to achieve this feat:
- Start your preparation early. Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying for the UTME. You need to give yourself enough time to cover all the topics in the syllabus and practice with past questions and mock tests.
- Choose your subjects wisely. You need to select the subjects relevant to your course of choice and that you are good at. You must also check the subject combination requirements for your preferred institution and course.
- Study with the JAMB syllabus. The JAMB syllabus is your guide to what JAMB will test you on. You need to download it, study it, and use it effectively. It will help you to focus on the important areas and avoid wasting time on irrelevant materials.
- Use good textbooks and other materials. You must get comprehensive, up-to-date textbooks, and follow the JAMB syllabus. You can use the recommended books in the syllabus or any other standard textbook. You must also use other materials such as past questions, mock tests, online platforms, tutorial centers, etc.
- Revise and practice regularly. You need to review your notes and revise each topic frequently until you master it. You also need to practice with past questions and mock tests as much as possible. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the exam format, test your knowledge and speed, and identify your areas of improvement.
- Manage your time effectively. You need to plan your study time and schedule well. You need to allocate enough time for each subject and topic, and stick to your plan. You also need to manage your time during the exam. You need to answer the questions quickly and accurately, and avoid spending too much time on one question or section.
- Stay healthy and positive. You need to take care of your physical and mental health during your preparation and exam period. You need to eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, and avoid stress. You also need to have a positive attitude and believe in yourself. You need to avoid negative thoughts and distractions and focus on your goal.
If you follow these tips consistently and diligently, you will be able to score 400 in JAMB 2025.
How to Study with the JAMB Syllabus 2025
To make the best use of the JAMB syllabus, you need to follow these steps:
- Write out the topics and objectives for each subject in a notebook or a flashcard.
- Get a good textbook that covers each topic in detail and follows the JAMB syllabus. You can use the recommended textbooks in the syllabus or any other standard textbook.
- Read and understand each topic thoroughly and make notes of the key points, formulas, definitions, examples, etc.
- Solve as many exercises and questions as possible from the textbook, past questions, and other sources.
- Review your notes and revise each topic regularly until you master it.
- Join a study group or a tutorial class where you can discuss and clarify any doubts or difficulties with your peers or tutors.
- Take mock tests and practice exams to assess your level of preparedness and identify your areas of improvement.
JAMB Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
You can download the JAMB syllabus for all subjects in PDF format from the links below. The syllabus is updated and accurate for the 2025/2026 UTME. You can also view the syllabus online or print it out for easy reference.
If you want to download the JAMB syllabus 2025 for your subjects, you can follow these simple steps:
- Go to the [official JAMB website] or visit
- On the sidebar of our website, look for Syllabus under Categories and click on it.
- Choose the specific subject syllabus that you want to download from the list of available subjects.
- Download the syllabus as a PDF file and save it on your device.
You have successfully downloaded the JAMB syllabus 2025 for your subjects. Now, you can start studying according to the outline of the syllabus. We hope you do well in the upcoming JAMB CBT examination.
JAMB Syllabus 2025 for All Subjects
Click on any subject below to download the syllabus in PDF
- JAMB Syllabus 2025/2026 PDF for All Subjects
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Use of English
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Physics
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Biology
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Agricultural Science
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Arabic
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Christian Religious Studies
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Commerce
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Art
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Computer Studies
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Economics
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for French
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Geography
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Government
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Hausa
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for History
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Home Economics
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Igbo
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Islamic Studies
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Literature in English
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Music
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Physical and Health Education
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Principles of Accounts
- JAMB Syllabus 2025 for Yoruba
JAMB Syllabus 2025/2026 for All Subjects
JAMB Syllabus for Arabic 2025/2026
- Passage reading and comprehension
- Identifying the main themes of the passage
- Deduction of lessons from the passage
- Interpreting the meanings of particular words
- Giving an appropriate title to the passage
- Translation from English to Arabic and vice versa
- Interpretation of idiomatic expressions in both Arabic and English
- Transfer of ideas expressed in Arabic to English and vice versa
- Effective communication in Arabic and English
- Demonstrative, relative, conditional, and interrogative pronouns
- Gender (masculine and feminine)
- Characteristics of noun
- Dual
- Plurals
- Construct phrases
- Separable and inseparable pronouns
- Appendants
- Prepositions
- Transitive and intransitive verbs
- Perfect and imperfect verbs
- Imperative verbs
- Modifiers
- Trilateral and derived verbs
- Derivatives
- Conditional sentence
- Numeral (1 – 1000).
- Active and passive voices
- Subject and predicate.
- Nouns in the accusative
This section consists of five (5) questions on subjects relating to the lives and environment of the candidates, e.g. education, culture, health, politics, economy, sports, and current affairs.
This section consists of ten (10) questions on notable literary figures and their works cutting across various periods which include the following:
- Introduction to Arabic literature.
- The Pre-Islamic Period (500 – 610 C.E.).
- The Islamic Period (610 – 1798 C.E.)
- The Modern Period (1978 to date).
- Arabic Literature in West Africa.
JAMB Syllabus for Islamic Studies 2025/2026
- Revelation of the Glorious Qur’ān
- Tafsīr
- Introduction to Tajwīd (Theory and Practice
- Study of the Arabic text of the following suwar/ayats with tajwīd [(a) al-Fātihah (Q.1), (b) al-cĀdiyāt (Q.100), (c) al–Qari’cah (Q.101), (d) at-Takāthur (Q.102), (e) al–cAsr (Q.103), (f) al-Humazah (Q.104), (g) al-Mācūn (Q.107), (h) al-Kawthar (Q.108), (i) al–Kāfirūn (Q. 109), (j) al-Nasr (Q. 110), (k) al-Masad (Q. 111), (l) al-Ikhlās (Q. 112), (m) al-Falaq (Q. 113), (n) an-Nās (Q. 114)]
- Study of the Arabic text of the following suwar/ayats with tajwīd [(a) al-Acālā (Q.87), (b) ad-Duhā (Q.93), (c) al-Inshirah (Q.94), (d) at-Tīn (Q.95), (e) al-cAlaq (Q.96), (f) al-Qadr (Q.97), (g) al-Bayyinah (Q.98), (h) al-Zalzalah (Q.99), (i) Ayatul-Kursiyy (Q.2:255), (j) Āmanar-Rasūl (Q.2:285-6), (k) Laqad jāakum (Q.9:128-129)]
- Hadīth
- Moral lessons in the Glorious Qur’ān and Hadīth
- Articles of faith
- Ibadat and their types
- Family Matters
- Sources and Schools of Law
- Islamic Economic System
- Islamic Political System
- Pre-Islamic Arabia (Jahiliyyah)
- The Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
- The Rightly Guided Caliphs (al-Khulafa’u rashidun)
- Early contact of Islam with Africa
- The Impact of Islam in West Africa
- Contributions of Islam to Education
JAMB Syllabus for Computer Studies 2025/2026
SECTION A: Evolution of Computing
- History of computing
- Classification of computing devices
SECTION B: Fundamentals of Computing
- Overview of Computing Systems
- Data and Information
SECTION C: Computer Application Packages
- Word Processing package
- Spreadsheet package
- Database package
- Graphics Package
- Presentation Package
- Web Design Package
SECTION D: Managing Computer Files
- Concept of Computer Files
- Handling Computer Files
SECTION E: Computer Maintenance and Safety Measures
- Booting and shutting down process
- Computer Maintenance
- Computer Room Management
SECTION F: Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- Communication Systems
- Application areas of ICT
- Internet
- Electronic Mail
- Networking
- World Wide Web (www)
- Cables and Connectors
SECTION G: Developing Problem-Solving Skills
- Programming Language (PL)
- High-Level Languages (HLL)
- Algorithm and Flowcharts
- Programming Language Structure
- Program Development
- System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
SECTION H: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics
- Definition of AI
- Branches of AI
- Applications of AI
- Fundamentals of Robotics
SECTION I: Computer Ethics and Human Issues
- Computer Security
- Cyber risks and protection
- Potentials for Higher Studies in Computing
JAMB Syllabus for French 2025/2026
- Written Comprehension in French (topics of general and emergent interest e.g. love, life, death, politics, marriage, health, communication, child trafficking, cultism, travel, corruption, money laundering, etc).
- Principles Governing the Structure and Use of Written French (Identification of basic form classes, Assessment of vocabulary span, Importance of word order, Identification and application of basic processes in language structure, Use of French in set expressions such as in proverbs, idioms and conventional structures as provided for in common speech acts).
- Workings of French sounds (sound discrimination, letter-sound correspondence, syllabification, liaison, sense groups in reading, faux amis, identification of sounds to determine similarity).
- Culture and Civilization {Characteristics, (aspects, similarities, and differences) of the educational system, socio-economic life, political organization, and cultural life of Francophone Africa and France, with reference (where possible) to home country i.e. Nigeria}.
JAMB Syllabus for Geography 2025/2026
I. Practical Geography
- Maps
- Scale and measurement of distances, areas reduction and enlargement, directions, bearings and gradients with reference to topographical maps.
- Map reading and interpretation; drawing of cross profiles, recognition of intervisibility, recognition and description of physical and human features and relationship as depicted on topographical maps.
- Interpretation of statistical data; maps and diagrams
- Elementary Surveying; chain and prismatic, open and close traverse, procedure, problems, advantages and disadvantages.
- Geographic Information System (GIS): components, techniques, data sources, applications
II. Physical Geography
- The earth as a planet
- The Earth Crust
- Volcanism and Earthquakes
- Denudation processes in the tropics
- Water Bodies
- Weather and Climate
- Vegetation
- Soil
- Environmental Resources
- Environmental interaction
- Environmental hazards
- Environmental Conservation
III. Human Geography
- Population
- Settlement with particular reference to Western Europe, the USA, Middle East and West Africa
- Selected economic activities
IV. Regional Geography
- Broad outline of Nigeria
- Economic and Human Geography
JAMB Syllabus for Government 2025/2026
PART I: Elements of Government
- Basic Concepts in Government
- Forms of Government
- Arms of Government
- Structures of Governance
- Systems of Governance
- Political Ideologies
- Constitution
- Principles of Democratic Government
- Processes of Legislation
- Citizenship
- The Electoral Process
- Political Parties and Party Systems
- Pressure Groups
- Public Opinion
- The Civil Service
Part II: Political Development in Nigeria
- Pre-colonial Polities
- Imperialist Penetration
- Process of Decolonization
- Constitutional Development in Nigeria
- Post-Independence Constitutions
- Institutions of Government in the Post-Independence Nigeria
- Public Commissions Established by the 1979 and Subsequent Constitutions
- Political Parties and Party Politics in Post-Independence Nigeria
- The Structure and Workings of Nigerian Federalism
- Public Corporations and Parastatals
- Local Government
- The Military in Nigerian Politics.
PART III: Foreign Policy and Nigeria’s Relationship With the International Community
- Foreign Policy
- Nigeria’s Foreign Policy
- Nigeria’s Relations with African Countries
- Nigeria in International Organizations
PART IV: International Organizations
- International Organizations: a. ECOWAS; b. OAU, AU; c. Commonwealth; d. OPEC; e. UNO; f. African Petroleum Producers Association;
- Origin, objectives, structure, functions, achievements, problems, and prospects of these organizations.
JAMB Syllabus for Hausa 2025/2026
Harshe (Language)
- Ƙa’idojin Rubutu (Orthography);
- Auna Fahimta (Comprehension);
- Tsarin Rubutun Insha’i (Composition Techniques);
- Fassara (Translation);
- Tsarin Sauti (Phonology);
- Ƙirar Kalma (Morphology);
- Ginin Jumla (Syntax);
- Ma’ana (Semantics);
Al’adu (Culture)
- Rayuwar Hausawa (Hausa customs);
- Zamantakewa (Social Institutions);
- Sana’o’in Gargajiya (Traditional Occupations);
- Kayayyakin Buƙatun Rayuwa (Material Culture);
- Bukukuwa da Wasanni (Hausa Festivities and Recreational Activities);
- Camfe-camfe da Bauta (Traditional Beliefs and Worship);
- Sarautun Gargajiya (Traditional Authority);
- Magungunan Gargajiya (Traditional Medicine).
Adabi (Literature)
- Adabin Baka (Oral Literature);
- Rubutaccen Adabi (Written Literature) Zube (Prose);
JAMB Syllabus for History 2025/2026
- Land and Peoples of the Nigeria Area
- Early Centres of Civilization
- Origin and formation of States in the Nigeria Area
- Economic Activities and Growth of States
- External Influences
- The Sokoto Caliphate
- Kanem-Borno
- Yorubaland
- Benin
- Nupe
- Igbo
- Efik
- European Penetration and Impact
- British Conquest of the Nigeria Area
SECTION C: NIGERIA 1900 – 1960
- The Establishment of Colonial Rule up to 1914
- The Amalgamation of 1914
- Colonial Administration After the Amalgamation
- The Colonial Economy
- Social Development under Colonial Rule
- Nationalism, Constitutional Developments, and Independence
- The politics of the First Republic and Military intervention
- The Civil War
- The Gowon Regime
- Murtala/Obasanjo Regime
- The Second Republic
- The Buhari Regime
- The Babangida Regime
- The Interim National Government (ING)
- The Abacha Regime
- Nigeria in International Organizations
- Islamic Reform Movements and State Building in West Africa
- Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Christian Missionary Activities in West Africa
- Egypt under Mohammed Ali and Khedive Ismail
- The Mahdi and Mahdiyya Movement in the Sudan
- The Omani Empire
- Ethiopia in the 19th century
- The Mfecane
- The Great Trek
- The New Imperialism and European Occupation of Africa
- Patterns of Colonial Rule in Africa
- The Politics of Decolonization
- Apartheid in South Africa
- Problems of Nation-building in Africa
JAMB Syllabus for Commerce 2025/2026
- Commerce
- Occupation
- Production
- Trade
- Purchase and Sale of Goods
- Aids-to-trade
- Business Units
- Financing Business
- Trade Associations
- Money
- Stock Exchange
- Elements of Business Management
- Elements of Marketing
- Legal Aspects of Business
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Business Environment and Social Responsibility
JAMB Syllabus for Home Economics 2025/2026
- Home Economics
- Areas/Careers in Home Economics
- Interrelationship of Home Economics with other subjects
- Principles of Home Management
- Resources
- Family Living
- Marriage and Reproductive Health
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Housing the family
- Home surfaces
- Sanitation in the Home
- Consumer Education
- Foods and Nutrition
- Meal planning
- Cookers and cooking
- Flours and uses
- Basic mixtures
- Scientific methods in Foods and Nutrition
- The Kitchen
- Kitchen safety and hygiene
- Food Storage and Preservation
- Home Gardening
- Fibres and Fabrics
- Sewing equipment and garment construction
- Laundry and care of clothes
JAMB Syllabus for Igbo 2025/2026
- Essay (Edemede)
- Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa)
- Sounds and Sound Patterns (Ụdaasụsụ na Usoro Ụdaasụsụ)
- Spelling and spelling rules (Nsupe na Iwu Nsupe)
- Igbo Orthography (Mkpụrụedemede Igbo)
- Dialect and Standard Igbo (Olundị/Olumba na Igbo Izugbe)
- Igbo Word Derivation (Usoro Mmụbaokwu n’Igbo)
- Grammar (Ụtọasụsụ)
- Translation (Ntụgharị)
- Written Literature (Agụmagụ Ederede)
- Literary devices (Atụmatụokwu)
- Oral Literature: Agụmagụ Ọnụ/Agụmagụ Ọdịnala
- Written Literature (Agụmagụ Ederede)
- Ekele dị iche iche: ekele ụtụtụ, ehihie, anyasị, nri, onye nọ n’ọrịa, nlakpu, ọrụ dg.
- Alụmdi na nwunye, ịgba alụkwaghịm.
- Ọmụmụ na ile ọmụgwọ, ikupụta nwa, ibi ugwu, ịgụ aha, ịzụ ahịa nwa, ịhụ eze.
- Echichi: Nze na Ọzọ, Eze/Obi/Igwe, Iyọm/Lọọlọ.
- Ike ekpe, iri ekpe, ịkwa ozu, ịgba mkpe.
- Ụmụnna, ụmụọkpụ/ụmụada, iyomdi, nwadiala.
- Ọgbọ/ebiri/uke, ọhanaeze, ezinaụlọ.
- Arụ na nsọala: Ihe nsọ, anụ nsọ, osisi nsọ, ebe nsọ.
- Ọchịchị Ọdịnala: Igwe/Eze, Nze na Ọzọ, ụmụnna, ezinaụlọ, ụmụọkpụ/ ụmụada, otu ọgbọ.
- Nnabata ọbịa, ọji na ịtu nzu, itu aha, ịkwọ aka ụtụtụ, ịgọ ọfọ.
- Ihe ofufe: Ịgba afa, ịchụ aja, ịgọ mmụọ, ofufe.
- Ngwa ofufe: Ọfọ, ikenga,okpesi.
- Nkwenye: ịdụ isi/ịṅụ iyi, ịgba ndụ, orikọ, ịlọ ụwa, ọgbanje, nrọ, ihi anụ, ịha/ịchụ mmiri, dg.
- Akụnaụba: inwe ala, ike ala, iri ekpe, elulu (ịkpa ọkụkọ, ewu, dg).
- Abamaba: Mmọnwụ, ọkọnkọ, ekpe, ọmabe, odo, dibịa, dg.
- Egwuregwu: mgba, egwu ọnwa, ikpọ ọga, ịzụ ǹchọ, ịzụ okwe, ịgba/ịchọ oro, dg.
- Akaọrụ ndị Igbo: Ọrụ ugbo, ịkụ azụ, ịkpụ ụzụ, ịzụ ahịa, ịtụ ihe ọtụtụ, ịchụ nta, ime dibịa, ịkpụ ite, dg.
- Emume: Ọfala, ịbọ ụzọ, ịwa ji/iri ji, igbu ewu ukwu,iru mgbede,ịwa akwa, akwamozu, ịgụ afọ, dg.
SECTION D: General and Current Affairs (Ihe Ndị na-eme Ugbua)
- Topical issues in the Igbo language, literature and culture e.g. Ahịajiọkụ, Odenigbo lectures and Ọhaneze Ndị Igbo.
- Authors, Publishers, dates and places of publication of works in Igbo.
- Igbo Studies Association (ISA)
JAMB Syllabus for Mathematics 2025/2026
- Number Bases;
- Fractions, Decimals, Approximations, and Percentages;
- Indices, Logarithms, and Surds;
- Sets;
- Polynomials;
- Variation;
- Inequalities;
- Progression;
- Binary Operation;
- Matrices and Determinants;
- Euclidean Geometry;
- Mensuration;
- Loci;
- Coordinate Geometry;
- Trigonometry;
- Differentiation;
- Application of differentiation;
- Integration;
- Representation of Data;
- Measures of Location;
- Measures of Dispersion;
- Permutation and Combination;
- Probability.
JAMB Syllabus for Literature in English 2025/2026
- Types of drama (tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy, melodrama, farce, opera, etc.)
- Dramatic techniques (characterization, dialogue, flashback, mime, costume, music/dance, decor/scenery, acts/scenes, soliloquy/aside, figures of speech)
- Interpretation of prescribed texts (theme, plot, socio-political context, setting)
- Types of prose (novel, novella/novelette, short story, biography, autobiography, memoir, faction)
- Narrative techniques/devices (point of view, characterisation, language)
- Textual analysis (theme, plot, setting, socio-political context)
- Types of poetry (sonnet, ode, lyrics, elegy, ballad, panegyric, epic, blank verse, etc.)
- Poetic devices (imagery, sound, diction, persona)
- Appreciation (thematic preoccupation, socio-political relevance, style)
General Literary Principles
- Literary terms (foreshadowing, suspense, theatre, monologue, dialogue, soliloquy, symbolism, protagonist, antagonist, figures of speech, satire, stream of consciousness, synecdoche, metonymy, etc.)
Literary Appreciation
- Unseen passages/extracts from drama, prose, and poetry
JAMB Syllabus for Use of English 2025/2026
SECTION A. Comprehension and Summary
- Description
- Narration
- Exposition
- Argumentation/Persuasion
SECTION B. Lexis and Structure
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Clause and sentence patterns
- Word classes and their functions
- Mood, tense, aspect, number, agreement/concord, degree (positive, comparative, and superlative), and question tags
- Mechanics
- Ordinary usage, figurative usage, and idiomatic usage
SECTION C. Oral Forms
- Vowels (monophthongs, diphthongs, and triphthongs)
- Consonants (including clusters)
- Rhymes (including homophones)
- Word stress (monosyllabic and polysyllabic)
- Emphatic stress (in connected speech)
JAMB Syllabus for Music 2025/2026
- The Staff
- Music Notes/Rests and their corresponding values
- Time/Time Signature
- A – Key signatures and scales, B – Determination of the key of a piece of music with or without key signature NOT exceeding two sharps and two flats.
- (a) Keyboard setting and enharmonic equivalents, (b) Accidentals
- Intervals
- Definition of simple musical terms, signs, and abbreviations.
- (a) Transcription of music from staff into tonic solfa notation and vice-versa. (b) Transposition using the treble (G) and bass (F) staves NOT exceeding two sharps and two flats.
- Triads and their inversions in major/minor keys
- Basic chord progressions in four parts
- Kinds of motion
- Cadences in major keys
- Non-harmonic tones / Non-chord tones
- Modulation
- Elementary Composition
- Nigerian folksongs, types, forms, and characteristics.
- General knowledge of the features and forms of Nigerian traditional music and other arts, including festivals, dances, and other arts.
- Nigerian traditional musical instruments and their classifications.
- Knowledge of the lives and music of African traditional musicians, with a focus on Nigerian musicians.
- Evolution and Development of African Popular Music
- Knowledge of the lives and music of the African Popular Musicians
- Knowledge of the lives and music of the African Art Musicians
- (A) Historical development of Western music styles in respect of the periods, B. COMPOSERS
- An overview of the following black musicians (composers, performers, etc) in the diaspora. Mighty Sparrow, James Brown, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, R. Kelly, Lorrinan Hill, Kirk Franklin, Tupac Shakur, Shabba Ranks, Quincy Jones, Boyz II Men, Sean Paul, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Beyonce, Brandy, Usher, Kevin Lyttle, Bobby Brown, M. C. Hammer, L. L. Cool J., Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy, Mary J. Blige, Jay Z, Chris Brown, Bruno Mars, Neo, Rihanna, etc.
- Forms to be examined include spirituals, gospel music, jazz, rhythm and blues, soul, calypso, rock ‘n’ roll, reggae, afro-beat, tango, rap, chachacha, bolero, twist, hip-hop, etc.
- The spirit of nationalism in Nigerian music.
JAMB Syllabus for Biology 2025/2026
SECTION A: Variety of Organisms
- Living organisms;
- Evolution among the following;
- Structural/functional and behavioural adaptations of organisms:
SECTION B: Form and Functions
- Internal structure of plants and animals
- Nutrition
- Transport
- Respiration
- Excretion
- Support and movement
- Reproduction
- Growth
- Co-ordination and control
SECTION C: Ecology
- Factors affecting the distribution of organisms
- Symbiotic interactions of plants and animals
- Natural Habitats
- Local (Nigerian) Biomes
- The Ecology of Populations
- Soil
- Humans and Environment
SECTION D: Heredity and Variations
- Variation In Population
- Heredity
SECTION E: Evolution
- Theories of evolution
- Evidence of evolution
JAMB Syllabus for Physical and Health Education 2025/2026
- Principles, meaning, scope, and philosophy of Physical Education (PE)
- Philosophy, objectives, and settings of Health Education
- Cells, Tissues, and Systems of the Human Body
- Skeletal system
- Muscular System
- Nervous System and Sense organs
- Circulatory System
- Respiratory System
- Excretory System
- Somatotypes and Posture
- Athletics (Track and Field Events)
- Ball Games -Football and basketball
- Racket Games –Table tennis and badminton
- Food
- Nutrition
- Drugs
- Physical fitness
- Conditioning Programme
- Recreation and leisure
- Dance
- First Aid
- Safety Education
- Sports competitions at the national level
- Names and roles of institutional games
- International sports competitions and the governing bodies
- Meaning and types of disability and special needs.
- Adapted physical activities for people with disabilities and special needs
- Social and emotional problems of people with special needs
- Prevention of disability
- Corrective exercises to rehabilitate people with special needs.
- Personal Health
- Community Health
- Environmental Health
- Disease – Meaning and causes
- Communicable diseases
- Non-communicable diseases
- Family
- Human sexuality education
- Family planning
JAMB Syllabus for Physics 2025/2026
- Measurements and Units
- Scalars and Vectors
- Motion
- Gravitational field
- Equilibrium of Forces
- Work, Energy and Power
- Friction
- Simple Machines
- Elasticity: Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus
- Pressure
- Pressure
- Temperature and Its Measurement
- Thermal Expansion
- Gas Laws
- Quantity of Heat
- Change of State
- Vapours
- Structure of Matter and Kinetic Theory
- Heat Transfer
- Waves
- Propagation of Sound Waves
- Characteristics of Sound Waves
- Light Energy
- Reflection of Light at Plane and Curved Surfaces
- Refraction of Light Through at Plane and Curved Surfaces
- Optical Instruments
- Dispersion of light and colours
- Electrostatics
- Capacitors
- Electric Cells
- Current Electricity
- Electrical Energy and Power
- Magnets and Magnetic Fields
- Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Simple A. C. Circuits
- Conduction of Electricity Through
- Elementary Modern Physics-Bohr’s Theory
- Introductory Electronics
JAMB Syllabus for Principles of Accounts 2025/2026
- Nature and Significance of Bookkeeping and Accounting
- Principles of Double Entry
- Ethics in Accounting
- Cash Book
- Bank Transactions and Reconciliation Statements
- Final Accounts of a Sole Trader
- Stock Valuation
- Control Accounts and Self-balancing ledger
- Incomplete Records and Single Entry
- Manufacturing Accounts
- Accounts of Not-For-Profit-Making Organizations
- Departmental Accounts
- Branch Accounts
- Branch Accounts
- Partnership Accounts
- Partnership Accounts
- Public Sector Accounting
- Information Technology in Accounting
JAMB Syllabus for Chemistry 2025/2026
- Separation of Mixtures and Purification of Chemical Substances
- Chemical Combination
- Kinetic Theory of Matter and Gas Laws
- Atomic Structure and Bonding
- Air
- Water
- Solubility
- Environmental Pollution
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Oxidation and Reduction – Redox
- Electrolysis
- Energy Changes
- Rates of Chemical Reaction
- Chemical Equilibra
- Non-metals and Their Compounds
- Metals and their compounds
- Organic Compounds
- Chemistry and Industry
JAMB Syllabus for Yoruba 2025/2026
- Comprehension (1 prose and 1 verse)
- Essay writing
- Sound system
- Grammar
- Current orthography
- Translation
- Oral Literature
- Written Literature
- Èrò àti Ìgbàgbọ
- Ètò Ìṣèlú àti Ààbò Ìlu
- Ètò Ìsìnkú àti Ogún Pínpín
- Òǹkà Yorùba
- Ayẹye
- Ètò Ìwòsàn
- Eré Ìdáraya
- Iṣẹ́ Abínibí àti Oúnjẹ Ilẹ̀Yorùba
- Ẹ̀kọ́Ile
JAMB Syllabus for Agricultural Science 2025/2026
SECTION A: General Agriculture
- Meaning and Scope of Agriculture
- Importance of Agriculture
- Agricultural Ecology
- Agricultural Genetics
- Farm Inputs
- History of Agricultural Development in West Africa
- Roles of Government and NGOs in Agricultural Development.
SECTION B: Agronomy
- Rocks and Soil formation
- Soil Water and Soil Conservation
- Soil Fertility
- Land Preparation and Soil Tillage
- Plant Forms and Functions
- Growth, Development, and Reproduction
- Plant Propagation Methods
- Cropping Systems, Planting Patterns, and Plant Densities
- Crop Husbandry
- Pasture and Forage Crops
- Floriculture
- Weeds
- Crop Diseases
- Crop Pests
- Forest Management (Silviculture)
SECTION C: Animal Production
- Forms and classification of major farm animals in West Africa
- General terminologies in animal production
- Anatomy and physiology of farm animals
- Reproduction in farm animals
- Animal nutrition
- Livestock management
- Animal Health
- Fisheries and Wildlife
- Bee-keeping (Apiculture)
SECTION D: Agriculture Economics and Extension
- Factors of agricultural production
- Basic Economic Principles
- Labour Management
- Farm Management
- Marketing of Agricultural Produce
- Agricultural Extension
SECTION E: Agricultural Technology
- Farm surveying and farmstead planning
- Simple farm tools
- Farm machinery and implements
- Mechanization and sources of farm power
- Processing and storage
- Introduction to biotechnology
- Application of ICT in agriculture
- Introduction to agricultural research and statistics
JAMB Syllabus for Art 2025/2026
- Classification of Art
- Elements and Principles of Design
- Art Terms
- Historical Dimensions of Art
- Traditional African Art
- Traditional Nigerian Art
- Nigerian Crafts
- Development in Contemporary Nigerian Arts and Artists
- Artistic Skills, Techniques, and Processes
- Tools, Materials, and Equipment
- Art Appreciation
- Meaning and Functions of Art in Society
- Art Entrepreneurship.
JAMB Syllabus for Christian Religious Studies 2025/2026
Themes from Creation to the Division of the Kingdom
- The Sovereignty of God
- The Covenant
- Leadership Qualities
- Divine Providence, Guidance and Protection
- Parental Responsibility
- Obedience and Disobedience
- A man after God’s own heart
- Decision-Making
Themes from the Division of the Kingdom to the Return from Exile and the Prophets
- Greed and its effects
- The Supremacy of God
- Religious reforms in Judah
- Concern for Judah
- Faith, Courage, and Protection
- God’s message to Nineveh
- Social justice, True religion, and Divine love
- Holiness and Divine call
- Punishment and Hope
Themes from the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are:
- The birth and early life of Jesus
- The baptism and temptation of Jesus
- Discipleship
- Miracles
- The Parables
- Sermon on the Mount
- Mission of the disciples
- The Great Confession
- The Transfiguration
- The Triumphal Entry and the cleansing of the Temple
- The Last Supper.
- The trials and the death of Jesus
- Resurrection, appearances and ascension of Jesus
- Jesus’ teachings about himself
- Love
- Fellowship in the Early Church
- The Holy Spirit and the mission of the Church
- Opposition to the Gospel message
- Mission to the Gentiles
Themes from Selected Epistles are:
- Justification by Faith
- The Law and Grace
- New life in Christ
- Christians as joint heirs with Christ
- Humility
- Forgiveness
- Spiritual gifts
- Christian Giving
- Civic responsibility
- Dignity of labor
- The second coming of Christ
- Impartiality
- Effective prayer
- Christian living in the community
- Corruption
- Sexual Immorality
The JAMB syllabus is a valuable resource that can help you ace the UTME and secure your admission into your dream course and institution. You need to download it, study it, and use it effectively. Remember that success is not a matter of luck but a result of hard work and smart work. We wish you all the best in your UTME.
Is the JAMB syllabus for 2025/2026 out?
Yes, the complete JAMB syllabus for 2025/2026 is out and available for download (PDF, Doc) from this page here on our website
How Can I Prepare for JAMB 2025?
Obtain and study the topics outlined in the 2025 JAMB Syllabus for your 4 chosen subjects, study past questions, attend JAMB tutorials for the 2025 JAMB CBT examination, read the recommended textbooks for the subjects you will be taking on the exam, and also attend CBT practice.
Is the JAMB syllabus the same every year?
No, the JAMB syllabus is not always the same every year. JAMB may add, remove, or modify some topics or objectives depending on the curriculum changes or exam requirements.
Does JAMB follow its syllabus?
Yes, JAMB follows its syllabus when setting the UTME questions. However, this does not mean that you should limit yourself to only what is in the syllabus. You should also read widely and keep yourself updated with current affairs and general knowledge.
How can I get past questions and answers for JAMB?
You can get past questions and answers for JAMB from various sources such as bookshops, online platforms, tutorial centers, etc. You can also check our website for more information on how to access past questions and answers for JAMB.